Futures With Care
Care ethics experienced a “rebirth” in France at the beginning of the 21st century under the influence of Carol Gilligan and Joan Tronto, following the publication of the groundbreaking collection Le Souci des autres, éthique et politique du care in 2006, and the second publication of the French translation of In a Different Voice in 2008, up until the publication of her new book, In a Human Voice, in 2024. During this period, different voices have been heard on the subject and have given rise to an original polyphonic approach to care. The notion has spread to many different fields and has become an essential reference in contemporary thought, so much so that it has led to new approaches and perspectives in ethical and political thought under the influence of this resolutely feminist approach.
Are we witnessing a new moment of care? What forms is it taking? What are its objects? What visions of the future is it suggesting?
The aim of this international symposium, centered on the pioneering figure of Carol Gilligan, who will be attending, is to take stock of the progress achieved in care studies in the 21st century with French-speaking researchers working in care, on care and with care in France and beyond, particularly in the fields of bioethics, ecology and new technologies.
The symposium will focus on four main themes:
(I) An Age of Care?
(II) Care and the Environment
(III) Care and Healthcare
(IV) Care and New Technologies / Artificial Intelligence
Sandra Laugier (université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) & Vanessa Nurock (Université Côte d’Azur & Chaire UNESCO EVA)
Opening remarks
An Age of Care? (9.15 AM-10.50AM)
Chair: Vanessa Nurock
- 9:15-9:35
Sophie Bourgault (University of Ottawa)
Trajectories of care
- 9:35-9:55
Anne Gonon (University of Doshisha)
Care studies in Japan or the problematic construction of intellectual autonomy in the transnational debate
- 9:55-10:15
Sandra Laugier (université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Care, a French Story
- 10:15-10:25
Carol Gilligan (NYU)
- 10:25-10:50
- 10:50-11:00
Care and the Environment (11.00AM-12.35AM)
Chair: Sandra Laugier
- 11:00-11:20
Catherine Larrère (université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Ecofeminism and care ethics
- 11:20-11:40
Margaux Alarcon (INRAE, UR ETTIS)
Diversity and evolution of farming care practices: an overview of plant and soil care from France, Sweden and Belgium
- 11:40-12:00
Fabienne Brugère (Université Paris 8)
Nature in relationship within care
- 12:00-12:10
Carol Gilligan (NYU)
- 12:10-12:35
- 12:35-2:30
Lunch break
Care and Healthcare (2.30PM-3.40PM)
Chair: Kim Sang Ong-Van-Cung
- 2:30-2:50
Miranda Boldrini (Université Côte d’Azur & Chaire UNESCO EVA)
Care and vulnerability: beyond (relational) autonomy? An analysis of the MIRACLE Project
- 2:50-3:10
Patricia Paperman (Université Paris 8)
Conceptions of care and ableist presuppositions
- 3:10-3:20
Carol Gilligan (NYU)
- 3:20-3:40
- 3:40-3:50
Care and new Technologies/Artificial Intelligence (3.50PM-5.00PM)
Chair: Miranda Boldrini
- 3:50-4:10
Xavier Pavie (ESSEC & Collège International de Philosophie)
Innovation-care, a new and necessary form of responsibility
- 4:10-4:30
Vanessa Nurock (Université Côte d’Azur & Chaire UNESCO EVA)
Artificial Intelligence with care: re-thinking relationships?
- 4:30-4:40
Carol Gilligan (NYU)
- 4:40-5:00
Keynote by Carol Gilligan (New York University) and discussion (5.PM-5.45PM)
Organization: Vanessa Nurock & Sandra Laugier, with the help of Miranda Boldrini
ISJPS, CRHI, Chaire UNESCO EVA, MIRACLE ERAPERMED (Grant n. ERP-2021-23680708)
Useful information
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, amphithéâtre du centre Malher
9 rue Malher, 75004 Paris
Contact : chaireunesco-eva@univ-cotedazur.fr