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Féminisme, droit et citoyenneté II


Lundi 9 septembre/Monday 9 September

9h15-9h45, Club des enseignants
Remise du pack congrès et café de bienvenue
Conference pack and coffee and pastries

9h45-10h, amphithéâtre Oury
Mot de bienvenue et informations pratiques
Welcome and housekeeping

10h-11h15, amphithéâtre Oury

Séance plénière 1 (en anglais)

Rosemary Auchmuty (Université de Reading, R-U), Erika Rackley (Université de Kent, R-U) et Mari Takayanagi (archiviste principale, Chambre des Lords, R-U) introduisent l’ouvrage qu’elles ont dirigé, Women’s Legal Landmarks in the Interwar Years: Not for Want of Trying (Hart, 2024).

Plenary session 1 (in English)

Rosemary Auchmuty (University of Reading, UK), Erika Rackley (University of Kent, UK) and Mari Takayanagi (senior archivist, House of Lords UK) introduce their edited book Women’s Legal Landmarks in the Interwar Years: Not for Want of Trying (Hart, 2024).

11h15-11h45, Club des enseignants
Pause café/Coffee break


Ateliers 1/Parallel sessions 1

1A. Droits, lois et contrôle des corps
Présidence de séance : Florence Renucci
Salle F607

Sophie Avarguez, Université de Perpignan, FRANCE
et Aude Harlé, Université de Perpignan, FRANCE
Avorter quand le droit se dérobe : un vécu entre désillusion et insuffisance

Prune Decoux, Université de Douai, FRANCE
et Hélène Duffuller-Vialle, Université d’Artois, FRANCE
La législation de l’avortement : le contrôle par l’État du corps des citoyennes (1791-2023)

Laurie Friant, Université de Poitiers, FRANCE
Genre et réparation du dommage corporel

1B. Human rights
Chair: Elena Ghidoni
Salle F608

Sevgi Çetin, Lawyer, Samsun Bar Association, TŰRKIYE
Case Study: Türkiye The Rise and Fall of the Istanbul Convention

Ivana Nikolić, University of Belgrade, SERBIA
Less than Human: exploring the protection of women's right to nationality in international human rights law

María del Mar Martín, University of Cádiz, SPAIN
Imprisoned mothers in Spain: the necessity of a human rights’ approach in criminal policy

1C. Theory and policy
Chair: Rebecca Smyth
Salle F609

Annick Masselot, University of Canterbury, NEW ZEALAND
Critical feminist evaluation of Aotearoa New Zealand climate adaptation law and policy

Yaoqi Zheng, University of Durham, ENGLAND
A feminist understanding of gender equality in finance

Patrícia Jerónimo, University of Minho, PORTUGAL
Intersectionality as interpreted by domestic courts and equality bodies in Europe: Is Portugal on the right track?

13h15-14h30, Club des enseignants
Déjeuner buffet/Buffet lunch


Ateliers 2/Parallel sessions 2

2A. Activism
Chair: Alexandrine Nedelec
Salle F607

Anne Légier, Université Paris Cité, FRANCE
“As long as the law is male, women must be outlaws”: How a radical feminist organization fought abortion laws before Roe v Wade

Jackie Gulland, University of Edinburgh, SCOTLAND
Boundaries of care: lessons from UK Invalid Care Allowance

Katie Hunt, University of Lincoln, ENGLAND
The road to R v R: how feminist campaigners abolished the marital rape exemption

2B. Politics
Chair: Rosemary Auchmuty
Salle F608

Prerna Dhoop, National Law School of India University, INDIA
and Vandana Dhoop, St Xavier’s University, INDIA
Indian politics – a male bastion

Silvia Soriano Moreno, University of Extremadura, SPAIN
Violence against women in politics: a gender-based limitation of rights

Ramona Vijeyarasa, University of Technology Sydney, AUSTRALIA
Auditing the Auditors: Interrogating legislative scrutiny from a gender perspective 

16h-16h30, Club des enseignants
Pause café et rafraîchissements/Tea break


Ateliers 3/Parallel sessions 3

3A. Reproductive justice and citizenship
Chair: Anne Légier
Salle F607

Alexandrine Nedelec, université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, FRANCE 
Reproductive injustice and its impact on citizenship

Tania Penovic, Deakin University, AUSTRALIA
Reproductive rights, citizenship and the global influence of the US anti-abortion movement

Rebecca Smyth, Birmingham City University, ENGLAND
Reproductive Citizenship

3B.    History: Marriage and feminist claims
Chair: Jennifer Koshan
Salle F608

Frances Hamilton, University of Reading, ENGLAND
Investigating Feminist Campaigning Groups Approach to Tackling the Marriage Bar in the 1920s

Sara Kimble, DePaul University, United States of America
Making Men Pay: The European Feminist Lawyers at the origins of the international law for the enforcement of alimony and child support payments

Marion Röwekamp, Colégio de México, MEXICO
Rewriting Montevideo: married women’s nationality in Latin America

Dîner de gala au Bouillon Racine/Conference dinner at the Bouillon Racine

Mardi 10 septembre/Tuesday 10 September

10h-11h15, amphithéâtre Oury

Séance plénière 2 (en français)/Plenary session 2 (in French)

Conférence plénière de Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez (Université Paris Nanterre), "L’avortement et la réinvention du paradigme constitutionnel", qui prend appui sur l’expérience récente de l’inscription dans la Constitution française d’une "liberté garantie" des femmes à recourir à l’interruption volontaire de grossesse.

Keynote speech by Stéphanie Hennette-Vauchez, 'Abortion and the reinvention of the constitutional paradigm', on the recent inclusion in the French Constitution of a 'guaranteed freedom' for women to interrupt a pregnancy.

11h15-11h45, Club des enseignants
Pause café/Coffee break


Ateliers 4/Parallel sessions 4

4A. Représentation(s)
Présidence de séance : Prune Decoux
Salle F607

Florence Renucci, Aix-Marseille Université, FRANCE
Législatrices au tournant du XXe siècle. Quand des non-citoyennes écrivent et font voter les lois

Lucas Morinière, Université du Havre, FRANCE
Débat privé/débat public, une porosité nécessaire pour déconstruire les inégalités de genre au sein de l'espace domestique

Catherine Le Bris, université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, FRANCE
et Pierre-Edouard Weill, Université de Brest, FRANCE
La Charte européenne sur l’égalité femmes-hommes dans la vie locale

4B. Property
Chair: Annick Masselot
Salle F608

Özgün Çelebi, Koç University, TŰRKIYE
Protection of women with respect to family home: perspectives from Türkiye

Metka Potocnik, University of Wolverhampton, ENGLAND
Misogyny in music: feminism, intellectual property and social justice

Rosemary Auchmuty, University of Reading, ENGLAND
The case against cohabitation law reform in England

13h15-14h30, Club des enseignants
Déjeuner buffet/Buffet lunch


Ateliers 5/Parallel sessions 5

5A. Violence
Chair: Frances Hamilton
Salle F607

Georgios Bastounas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GREECE
Femicide: a distinct form of homicide?

Caroline Derry, Open University, United Kingdom
Time, law, and the masculine citizen

Jennifer Koshan, University of Calgary, CANADA
and Deanne Sowter, Osgoode Hall Law School, CANADA
“Weaponizing” the tort of family violence? Myths, stereotypes, lawyers' ethics and access to justice

5B. Parents
Chair: Jackie Gulland
Salle F608

Sarah Groszewski, University of Portsmouth, ENGLAND
Why we need a feminist family law

Haley Hrymak, University of British Columbia, CANADA
At what Cost? Economic Abuse and the experiences of survivors seeking child support in British Columbia

Meemi Matero, University of Strathclyde, SCOTLAND
Substantive Equality through social inclusion: parenting leave as a citizenship-facilitating legal and policy instrument

Marisa Almeida Araújo, Lusiado University, PORTUGAL
Surrogacy in a globalized world

16h-16h30, Club des enseignants
Pause café et rafraîchissements/Tea break


Ateliers 6/Parallel sessions 6

6A. Violence et exploitation
Présidence de séance : Hélène Duffuler-Vialle
Salle F607

Vania Simoes, Nova School of Law, PORTUGAL
Convention d’Istanbul et violence obstétricale : nouveaux défis autour du droit des femmes

Carolina Vergel Tovar, Université Externado de Colombie, COLOMBIE
Succès et échecs de la prévention du féminicide à Bogota : ce que la prise en charge psychosociale peut enseigner au droit

Elodie Tuaillon-Hibon, université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, FRANCE
Viol et démocratie (contrat social et contrat sexuel)

6B. Stereotypes
Chair: Patrícia Jerónimo
Salle F608

Mini Saxena, SOAS University of London, ENGLAND
Conditional Consent to sexual relations: a review of UK case law

Cathérine Van de Graaf, University of Cologne, DEUTSCHLAND
and Eva Brems, Ghent University, BELGIUM
An Olympic medal in Islamophobia: the ideal French citizen is not a hijabi

Elena Ghidoni, Deusto University, SPAIN
Facing the polluting effect of stereotypes on evidence: CEDAW’s efforts to address gender-based discriminatory narratives

Informations pratiques

Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, centre Sorbonne

17 rue de la Sorbonne, 75005 Paris

Seules les conférences d'ouverture (lundi 09/09, 10h-11h15) et plénière (mardi 10/09, 10h-11h15) sont ouvertes au public.

Les inscriptions à cet événement sont closes. Seules les personnes détenant une carte d'accès à l'université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne peuvent accéder à l'événement sans inscription.