Education to democracy. Closing Workshop
The Japanese-French program POLITICAL EDUCATION FOR HUMAN TRANSFORMATION (2019-2021), supported by the JSPS and CNRS, aims at an interdisciplinary research on moral and political education, and at a collective inquiry into democracy as a form of life.
This workshop will explore the question whether there can be education for democracy, what are its new stakes and methods.
Friday, December 17th, 2 pm-7 pm
1:45 Welcome and opening: Sandra Laugier and Naoko Saito
I. Seeing Democracy
Chair: Paul Standish
- 2:00 Naoko Saito (Kyoto University School of Education)
Shutting one’s eyes correctly: Wittgenstein and the education of grownups
- 2:45 Hugo Clémot (Université Gustave Eiffel)
Epistemic Panic on Film
- 3:30 Elise Domenach (ENS Lyon)
The educational and democratic uptake of philosophical ecocriticism: Cavell and American ecocinema, Kelly Reichardt's Certain Women
4:15 coffee break
II. Learning Democracy
Chair: Anne Gonon
- 4:30 Albert Ogien (CNRS)
Fake news, Conspiracy Theories and Education to Democracy
- 5:15 Alexis Gibbs (Winchester University)
Dismantling democracy’s closet: on learning to be visible
- 6:00 Baptiste Cornardeau (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Foreign to Democracy. The Borders of Education
Saturday, December 18th, 9am-6 pm
III. Perfecting Democracy
Chair: Adrian Skilbeck
- 9:15 Paul Standish (UCL)
The Apple’s Increment
- 10:00 Léa Boman (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Emerson's Claim for Inconsistency. Moral Perfectionism and Rationality in Cavell's Philosophy
- 10:45 Anne Gonon (Doshisha University)
Japanese female students’ movements – What is anger emancipating us from?
11h30 coffee break
- 11:45 Piergiorgio Donatelli (Roma La Sapienza)
The Fates of Freedom: education and experience
Lunch break
IV. Serial Democracy
Chair: Hugo Clémot
- 2:00 Sylvie Allouche (Ucly, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Demoseries)
What does the French series Kaamelott tell us about democracy?
- 2:45 Thibaut de Saint Maurice (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Demoseries)
Education at the Bureau
- 3:30 Théo Touret-Dengreville (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Demoseries)
Superheroes as Educators
V. Recovering Democracy
Chair: Sandra Laugier
- 4:30 Emma Williams (University of Warwick)
‘Verona is sick': Rethinking the possibilities for romance in a time of mental health crisis
- 5:15 Adrian Skilbeck (Winchester University)
Pretending to be serious: reflections on drama, democracy and education
- 6:00 Paola Marrati (Johns Hopkins)
The Grievances of Others
- 6:45 Conclusions
Voir le programme (PDF, 181 Ko)
Informations pratiques
Institut des sciences juridique et philosophique de la Sorbonne
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Centre Lourcine
1, rue de la Glacière – 75013 Paris
Bâtiment 1, 2e étage, salle 13
Inscription: Marina.Krivitzky@univ-paris1.fr
The workshop is supported by the JSPS-CNRS Research Program on “Political Education for Human Transformation" (2019-2021, Naoko Saito/Sandra Laugier), by the ERC Program DEMOSERIES and by the scientific board Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.